Saskatoon dentists committed to providing exceptional dental care.
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Family Dentist in SaskatoonVisiting the family dentist doesn’t need to be a frightening experience, which is why we take great care in making our younger patients feel comfortable and as relaxed as possible. For families we aim to make going to the dentist fun again by offering a play area for kids, teens, and young adults. The play area has it's own TV, games, and activities to keep children entertained. Simply put, our state of the art dental practice was designed with you and your family dentistry needs in mind. |
Experienced And Friendly DentistsOur top rated dentistry team has over 50 years combined experience with Dr. Damara Rayner, Dr. Shaun Brakstad, Dr. Sara Rayner, Dr. Brendon Reynaud, and Dr. Kyle Diakow leading the way as University of Saskatchewan, College of Dentistry alumni. Our team of medical professionals provide a variety of general dentistry and emergency dental services to meet your oral health care goals. Let our friendly team of dentists help and support you in attaining your best smile yet! Meet Our Dentists |